Saturday, February 10, 2007

Franciscan University Students' Impact at the United Nations

In March, 2005, 25 students and 3 faculty members from Franciscan University of Steubenville spent Spring Break attending the Commission on the Status of Women - "Beijing + 10" - at the United Nations in New York City. During that week, we met and talked with delegates from countries around the world, leaders of many different human rights groups and movements, and created a new web-based channel to share news and concerns about human rights through Podcasts and a new website, Catholic NGO Voice.

Our students very effectively shared Catholic teaching about authentic human rights with the participants of this major global event. Shortly after our return to Steubenville, the group reported on this United Nations mission to the University president, Fr. Terence Henry, TOR, other administrators, faculty members and students. Our March 2005 presentation and report to the University community concluded with this reflection on the students' experiences and impact:

Along with Franciscan University faculty and several leaders of the International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute (ISHRI), Franciscan University students have participated in a dozen United Nations conferences and commissions since 2005 and are continuing this outreach to world decision makers.

Jim Coyle

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