Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Undercover NBC Dateline Producer Flees Conference

As described on Wikipedia...

During the 15th DEFCON hacker conference, Dateline producer Michelle Madigan failed to register as a reporter and used a hidden camera to covertly film attendees, apparently intending to catch hackers admitting to crimes. On four occasions, DEFCON staff asked her if she wanted to obtain press credentials, but she declined. On August 3, 2007, DEFCON founder Jeff Moss publicly outed Madigan during the "Spot the Reporter" contest, and Madigan ran from the room with several attendees trailing her, taking pictures and video. DEFCON says their own mole at Dateline alerted them to Madigan's plans.

I wonder how the producer felt while being asked questions while fleeing to her car. Maybe the same way other people feel when reporters shout questions at them.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Textbooks for Dr. Coyle's Fall 2007 Classes

To give students a head start on getting textbooks for my Fall 2007 classes, here's a list of what we'll be using:

COM 121: Introduction to Mass Media:

  1. Mass Communication: Living in a Media World, 2nd edition.
    Ralph E. Hanson
    Publisher: CQ Press
    ISBN: 0-87289-484-3

  2. Screen Saved: Peril + Promise of Media
    Dan Andriacco
    Publisher: St. Anthony Messenger Press
    ISBN: 9780867164183

COM 342: Television Production I:

  1. Video Basics 5 - with Video Lab 3.0 DVD-ROM
    Herb Zettl
    ISBN FOR THIS BUNDLE: 9780495261643

We'll be getting started with the texts (and DVD in TV Production) right away.

Dr. Coyle