Thursday, May 25, 2006

Music, Music, Music

Over the past couple of days I've been reminded of the power of music to affect a person's experience and, too, the power of music to help us feel a person's story.

On the way to Nashville I caught up on listening to some recent episodes of Catholic Rockers, a very cool podcast by George Leite featuring new and/or little known Catholic rock musicians - and some established names. In most of the podcasts, George not only plays some of the featured performers' music, but interviews the individual or group that made the music. These interviews add to the richness of listening to this great music. Not only are these podcasts fun to listen to, but they make we want to empty my wallet and buy more music.

After last night's conference dinner, we were entertained by Beth Nielsen Chapman, "one of Nashville's top recording artists and songwriter." It was a fine evening of entertainment. In addition to some really good tunes, Beth shared some of the events in her life and the songs that resulted. The storytelling and healing elements of music were clear.

Music has such power.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Upcoming: Reports from the 2006 Catholic Media Convocation

Check here for reports from the 2006 Catholic Media Convocation - the annual national convention of Catholic print and electronic media professionals. This year's location is Nashville, Tennessee. Information about the Convocation is here.