Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ad Industry Leaders Calling for Significant Changes
In the latest issue of Fast Company magazine that arrived at my home yesterday, I read an article about ways Publicis Groupe, the world's 4th largest advertising conglomerate, is trying to adapt to the profound changes in advertising, comsumer behavior and society because of connectivity, globalization and other factors.
A leading source of information about the advertising industry, Advertising Age magazine, posted this video on their website today, a short video of an industry leader, the Chief Marketing Office of Kimberly-Clark corporation, calling for major changes in the adversiting industry just as manufacturing industries have to change.
Dr. C
Posted by
Jim Coyle
1:26 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Real Beauty / Media Beauty
How true are the photographs we see on magazine covers and billboards, in advertisements?
True beauty is within a person, but media so often creates a surface beauty.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:21 PM
The Making of Dove Evolution
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty film: "Evolution"
There's more about the success of the "Evolution" video - and a higher-quality video - at this site: http://meanwhile.wordpress.com/2006/10/11/dove-evolution-2/
More than ever before we need to remember that the images we see aren't necessarily "the real thing."
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:13 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Award-Winning Television News Stories
The Radio and Television News Director Association (RTNDA), the major professional organization for broadcast news directors, is posting online the stories that won the 2007 Edward R. Murrow Awards. How do the newscasters in your community compare? As a professional or a student, what can you learn from these?
Take a look and a listen.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:24 AM
Virtual Newscast
First, Google brought us their News website with its content created entirely by computer - no human editors. Now, News at Seven unrolls its new service on October 26, 2007, after a year of testing. It's a Web "Television" newscast with its content and production handled automatically by computer.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
8:24 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
From the Heart: Photojournalists' Personal Stories of New Orleans and Katrina
The editors and staff photographers of The New Orleans Times-Picayune recall the events of Katrina through their photos. Produced by Danny Bourque.
This is a profound 25-minute video that tells unique stories about New Orleans, her citizens - and a side of journalism we rarely see.
Comments and more at this Times-Picayune website.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:11 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Real Task: Help Find Steve Fossett - Using Satellite Imagery
Join with others around the world using satellite imagery to find a missing pilot, Steve Fossett.
Click here to Help Find Steve Fossett.
Background: On Monday, September 3, 2007, Steve Fossett, the first person to fly a plane around the world without refueling and the first person to fly around the world in a balloon went missing in Nevada. An airplane he was flying failed to return. No one has any idea where he is.
Through the generous efforts of individuals at several organizations, detailed satellite imagery has been made available for his last known whereabouts.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
8:41 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Citizen Journalism Documentary - by Documentary Students in Massachusetts
Cambridge Community Television hosted a 3-month documentary production course that resulted in this short documentary on Citizen Journalism. The Project Documentary team includes: Jason Crow, Shaun Clarke, Darcie Deangelo, Amy Mertl, Buz Owen, Jason Ong, Matt Landry, Mayana Leocadio.
Share your thoughts about "Citizen Journalism" in the Comments.
Dr. C
Posted by
Jim Coyle
10:44 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Undercover NBC Dateline Producer Flees Conference
As described on Wikipedia...
During the 15th DEFCON hacker conference, Dateline producer Michelle Madigan failed to register as a reporter and used a hidden camera to covertly film attendees, apparently intending to catch hackers admitting to crimes. On four occasions, DEFCON staff asked her if she wanted to obtain press credentials, but she declined. On August 3, 2007, DEFCON founder Jeff Moss publicly outed Madigan during the "Spot the Reporter" contest, and Madigan ran from the room with several attendees trailing her, taking pictures and video. DEFCON says their own mole at Dateline alerted them to Madigan's plans.
I wonder how the producer felt while being asked questions while fleeing to her car. Maybe the same way other people feel when reporters shout questions at them.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
1:33 PM
Labels: media ethics
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Textbooks for Dr. Coyle's Fall 2007 Classes
To give students a head start on getting textbooks for my Fall 2007 classes, here's a list of what we'll be using:
COM 121: Introduction to Mass Media:
- Mass Communication: Living in a Media World, 2nd edition.
Ralph E. Hanson
Publisher: CQ Press
ISBN: 0-87289-484-3 - Screen Saved: Peril + Promise of Media
Dan Andriacco
Publisher: St. Anthony Messenger Press
ISBN: 9780867164183
COM 342: Television Production I:
- Video Basics 5 - with Video Lab 3.0 DVD-ROM
Herb Zettl
ISBN FOR THIS BUNDLE: 9780495261643
We'll be getting started with the texts (and DVD in TV Production) right away.
Dr. Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
10:55 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
How Young People Use Technology
Thanks to Michael Kreidler of the Catholic Media Connections Blog for pointing out this video.
Discover why advertising might be dead as Guy Kawasaki moderates a panel of high school and college students to uncover what young people are doing with their cell phones, cameras, computers, game counsels, and parents credit cards. This is a Churchill Club event. 9/21/06
I wonder how much has changed since this conversation took place in September, 2006.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
11:34 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Fr. Seraphim Beshoner and the "Catholic Under the Hood" Podcast
The host of the "Catholic Under the Hood" podcast shared his experience with my Podcasting class this morning. We streamed his talk live on Ustream.TV and recorded at least a part of the session.
The recording stopped early in the session, but I couldn't see the control screen from where I was sitting. I'll set things up diffferently next time.
In the segment that did record, though, you'll learn how this podcaster got started and some important things to remember when planning to podcast.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
11:46 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Meet the Podcasting Friar
Join me and meet Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR, in this spontaneous video from the Foundation of Egan Hall (aka, the basement) at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. Includes cameos appearances by two other Franciscan U profs.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
11:54 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Online Site for Cinema-Quality Independent and International Films
Jaman looks like an interesting resource for independent and international filmmakers and audiences. Have a look...
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:04 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Major Pro Video News from Apple at NAB
Apple's Final Cut Pro video editing software is getting more robust, and several pro applications and video production hardware are being announced by Apple at the annual National Association of Broadcasters convention as I write this.
Engadget.com is providing great live blog coverage of the announcement which will be a great reference even after the event is over.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
3:33 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
"Transparency" and Public Relations
A new article by Eric Webber in Advertising Age got me thinking about the trend toward "transparency" in organizations, using tools like blogs, etc. I tend to champion new media and technologies and couple that with the belief that organizations and persons shouldn't try to hide information - or themselves - from the public.
And I'm a strong advocate of Public Relations as a two-way function/channel to facilitate open communication between an organization and the public.
Openness doesn't seem to be a characteristic of most organizations and managers I've seen, and that's disappointing - and potentially detrimental for the organization in the long run. Sure, there are times when strategic information needs to be confidential. But most of the time open and proactive communication will benefit organizations and individuals, helping build public trust and support.
Bad news will get out one way or another, and with today's bloggers, podcasters and video bloggers, the public's voice is stronger than ever.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:12 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Franciscan University Students' Impact at the United Nations
In March, 2005, 25 students and 3 faculty members from Franciscan University of Steubenville spent Spring Break attending the Commission on the Status of Women - "Beijing + 10" - at the United Nations in New York City. During that week, we met and talked with delegates from countries around the world, leaders of many different human rights groups and movements, and created a new web-based channel to share news and concerns about human rights through Podcasts and a new website, Catholic NGO Voice.
Our students very effectively shared Catholic teaching about authentic human rights with the participants of this major global event. Shortly after our return to Steubenville, the group reported on this United Nations mission to the University president, Fr. Terence Henry, TOR, other administrators, faculty members and students. Our March 2005 presentation and report to the University community concluded with this reflection on the students' experiences and impact:
Along with Franciscan University faculty and several leaders of the International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute (ISHRI), Franciscan University students have participated in a dozen United Nations conferences and commissions since 2005 and are continuing this outreach to world decision makers.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
2:29 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita - As They Happened
Here's a short clip I created for a panel discussion with members of the Catholic Press Association from the areas hit by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The audio is from broadcast news reports and the photos were taken by Catholic Press members. The panel discussion took place at the national Catholic Media Convocation in Nashville, May, 2006.
We'll keep working on the video to smooth it out.
Jim Coyle
Posted by
Jim Coyle
12:41 AM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
From Hollywood Fantasy to Reality
This isn't another Holywood special effect like we saw in the film "Minority Report" a couple of years ago. It's a prototype of a computer interface being developed today!
Imagine how you could use this! (We certainly could have used it at a planning meeting a few evenings ago where we were "moving" a future building around to different locations on a site plan.)
Posted by
Jim Coyle
11:51 AM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Video: A Girl Like Me
Al Tompkins of the Poynter Institute, an amazing center for journalists, shared about this video in today's "Morning Meeting" - his daily online newsletter for journalists. In his introduction he wrote:
I think we get so hung up on high production that we forget how powerful "talking heads" can be, if they are saying something compelling.
Look at this riveting example passed along to me my by my colleague Meg Martin.
It was produced in 2005 for Reel Works Teen Filmmaking by a high school student named Kiri Davis. It is seven and a half minutes of young African-American girls talking very frankly about their own impressions of race and beauty. It's called "A Girl Like Me."
Look and listen...
Posted by
Jim Coyle
9:13 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Direct From My Cellphone
I took this photo with my cell phone and then e-mailed it to this blog during class using the phone.
With my phone, the photo quality isn't great, but I usually have my phone with me and could take picture if I saw something unusual and send it directly to the Web. Some things could be fun, some embarassing, and some photos could bring serious consequences for people or companies.
In terms of Public Relations, how can an organization effectively control communication about it when so many of us have access to open communication channels that circle the globe?
Be open, be honest. It's out of your control.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
1:48 PM