Monday, December 29, 2008

Traverse City's Beauty

Capistrano Films was producing commercials and information videos for the Cherry Tree Condo Hotel in Traverse City, Michigan. I had a chance to take some photos of the area near the hotel, but there's so much more!

Production Shots - Traverse City, Michigan

We followed Capistrano Films during location shooting in Traverse City, Michigan in May, 2008. Capistrano's Antonio Soave was producing and directing commercials and information videos for the Cherry Tree Condo Hotel. Here are some behind-the-scenes photos.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Role of Civic Media in the 2008 Presidential Election

Henry Jenkins presents this talk, part of the MIT Museum Salon Series. Presented October 22, 2008.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Conceding with Class

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wizzard Video Player

The podcast hosting servise we use, Libsyn, is part of Wizzard Media in Pittsburgh. They've got a video player that looks great! (I'm not posting this as an endoresement of any candidates.) Take a look - and a listen:

Friday, April 25, 2008

Good News for You

Here's the first "Good News for You" video from Fr. Dennis Gang. He'll be setting up his own YouTube account to share more Good News.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Streaming Franciscan U of Steubenville Commencement Live

We're planning to stream the 2008 Baccalaureate Mass and the Graduate and Undergraduate Commencement ceremonies live on the Web using

  • Friday, May 9: Baccalaureate Mass - 6:00 pm EDT (GMT-4)
  • Saturday, May 10: Graduate Commencement - 9:00 am EDT
  • Saturday, May 10: Undergraduate Commencement - 11:30 am EDT

Monday, March 03, 2008

Microsoft Looks Up - Way Up

Robert Scoble brought "videoblogging" to a new level while working for Microsoft, letting us "meet" many programmers and other Microsoft employees, showing the Real People side of the corporation. After Microsoft, Robert brought his Scobleizer TV to other ventures, and is a key part of a new online video service called Fast Company TV. About one of the first programs, Robert wrote:

This is the most innovative thing I've seen Microsoft do in years. It had a huge emotional impact on me, as I realized the way my son will see the Universe will forever change, thanks to the work of two guys in Microsoft Research...

Take a look:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Oscars in 60 Seconds

Got a minute? From Mahalo Daily, here are the 2008 Academy 60 seconds.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Media and Faith: Engaging the Culture Conference

We - the Communication Arts Department at Franciscan University of Steubenville - are sponsoring Media and Faith: Engaging the Culture, a communications conference April 4-5, 2008, at our campus. I've been updating the conference website the past several days and recalled an online tool called TagCrowd. I used it to analyze the almost-complete Speakers biography page for the top 25 words used. Here are the results:

created at

Check out the conference website to find more details - and join us if you can!

Jim Coyle

Friday, February 01, 2008

Must Be Related to a Class Project

I guess I've been thinking too much about a video project my classes are working on.

I found some old movies with barely legible labels saying people used to prepare mailings this way. It must me some kind of joke. I watched ... all the films again and again ... I must have started dreaming. I woke up sweating - was it all a dream? Will I ever know?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reports from the Field

We're checking out a web service called Utterz (voice blogging) for use in an upcoming project. They can also handle pictures and video, but for now I'll keep tweaking the voice service.
