Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Real Beauty / Media Beauty

How true are the photographs we see on magazine covers and billboards, in advertisements?

True beauty is within a person, but media so often creates a surface beauty.


The Making of Dove Evolution

A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty film: "Evolution"

There's more about the success of the "Evolution" video - and a higher-quality video - at this site: http://meanwhile.wordpress.com/2006/10/11/dove-evolution-2/

More than ever before we need to remember that the images we see aren't necessarily "the real thing."


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Award-Winning Television News Stories

The Radio and Television News Director Association (RTNDA), the major professional organization for broadcast news directors, is posting online the stories that won the 2007 Edward R. Murrow Awards. How do the newscasters in your community compare? As a professional or a student, what can you learn from these?

Take a look and a listen.

Jim Coyle

Virtual Newscast

What's this about?

First, Google brought us their News website with its content created entirely by computer - no human editors. Now, News at Seven unrolls its new service on October 26, 2007, after a year of testing. It's a Web "Television" newscast with its content and production handled automatically by computer.
The video in this post is just a teaser. You'll find more info and some of their earlier newscasts on the News at Seven website.
