We've taken new media on the road. We're in New York City, attending the second week of the Unted Nations Conference on the Status of Women ("Beijing + 10"). 4 Franciscan University of Steubenville students and I are creating and posting "New Media" reports on the conference, as well as the United Nations General Assembly's vote yesterday to ban all human cloning.
With our audio recorders, laptops and a high-speed internet connection, the team has been busy. designed a Web site - Catholic NGO Voice - as a resource for conference participants and others involved in human rights concerns. Our first "podcast" from the UN conference was posted yesterday, with three more added so far. In addition to links through Catholic NGO Voice, the podcasts are online at the new Voices of Comm Arts Website.
And we've been updating the blog for the UN trip. If we can ever get all our team members and our laptops into our NY "headquarters" at the same time, we'll snap a few pictures to share with you.
Jim Coyle
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Our New Media Work at the United Nations
Posted by
Jim Coyle
6:29 PM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Podcasting from the Heart of the Roman Catholic Church
Catholic Insider is a podcast by Father Roderick Vonhögen, Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Utrecht, The Netherlands. It's new - but so is podcasting. The first podcast as posted February 23 during a trip to the Vatican. Check out the site at CatholicInsider.com
Posted by
Jim Coyle
8:47 PM
Blog for UN Trip
In a couple of days about two dozen students and three faculty members from Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio will be traveling to New York City to participate in the United Nations Conference on Women: "Beijing + 10." You can catch highlights of the experience at UN Beijing + 10: A Franciscan Perspective.
Posted by
Jim Coyle
12:32 AM